A collection of 8 hairstyles for your sims of color.

Basic information
6 (+4 variants) hairstyles for females
2 hairstyles for males
5 hairstyles come with accessories (found in hat category)
The collection is base game compatible
Available to Teen - Elder
All hairs are hat compatible
The hairs come in 24 EA swatches
The collection contains hairstyles with high to very high polygon counts (details below)
All items have their own LODs
All hairs are compatible with the Color Sliders mod

Polygon counts
Going from left to right based on the SECOND picture.
First row:
Nuran Hair: 100K
Najlaa Hair: 21K
Nur Hair: 71K
Zehra Hair: 63K
Second row:
Melisa Hair: 33K
Yuce Hair: 43K
Mengi Hair: 26K
Bener Hair: 36K